Work History
December 2019 - Present
As a technical software consultant, I build and deploy enterprise-level cloud solutions to help clients migrate their existing systems into the cloud. I am involved in the pre-sales process, designing and developing Proof Of Concepts for a wide variety of client business scenarios, across many industries. I excel at API design, development, and lifecycle management, as well as integrating these APIs into message queues and event broker schemas. My work in this area has been on multiple cloud platforms such as IBM Cloud, AWS, Azure, and others. I have been involved with delivering solutions in the cloud on the Red Hat Openshift Container Platform and utilized Docker, Kubernetes, and Kafka.
May 2020 - Present
I independently designed and developed fully responsive and mobile-friendly websites for local businesses. My solutions include online invoicing systems with digital credit and debit card transactions enabled, Search Engine Optimization and Google Indexing, as well as visitor analytics and reports.
RESEARCH ASSISTANT @ The University of Houston
May 2019 - August 2019
Using Python (SKLearn, NumPy, Pandas), I extrapolated data from a limited set of research trials on live (non-human) subjects into a simulated set of trials, expanding 50 into thousands. This allowed us to utilize supervised and unsupervised learning techniques on our data without tiring the subjects or skewing our findings. Our lab was focused on the reward complex and dopamine mapping during reaching and grasping tasks of a robotic arm operated by a non-human primate.